First trimester of pregnancy – weeks 1-13

Learn more about what to expect during your first trimester of pregnancy.

The first trimester includes the time from conception until 14 weeks of pregnancy.

It is a time of new discovery of your baby(ies) to be and many physical changes including nausea and fatigue. Uncertainties can occur with vaginal bleeding and you may need early care for this reason. This is also a time of decision making around pregnancy care, screening tests and implementation of risk reducing strategies for the rest of your pregnancy.

Monash Women’s is here to help.

Trimester overview and pregnancy care options

For more information on care options provided by Monash Women’s, visit the Care options and sites page.

Tests and investigations in early pregnancy

For more information on tests in a ‘routine’ pregnancy with Monash Women’s , visit the My pregnancy tests and visits page.

Tests and investigations during pregnancy

Note: Routine vitamin D testing is no longer recommended. For more information, please read the updated fact sheet: Vitamin D in pregnancy

Healthy eating and exercise

Healthy eating and weight gain during pregnancy

Exercise and keeping active during pregnancy

Morning sickness and other discomforts

Pre-eclampsia and Chlamydia in pregnancy

Early pregnancy bleeding and ectopic pregnancy

For information on the support channels that Monash Women’s provides to women who need care for tentative and early pregnancy, visit our Early pregnancy support page.

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) in pregnancy

CMV is a common virus spread through contact with bodily fluids. CMV can cause long-term problems for babies who become infected before they are born. All pregnant women and those planning a pregnancy can follow simple steps to reduce their chance of CMV.

Read more about protecting your baby:

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